Huge CAPACITY: Bag Size: 10"H x 14.5"W x 10"D. Volume is 4 US Gallons Sturdy: Made of hard core, 80....
Huge CAPACITY: Bag Size: 10"H x 14.5"W x 10"D. Volume is 4 US Gallons
Sturdy: Made of hard core, 80 gram Non-Woven Polypropylene and reused cardboard dividers giving these sacks an inflexible structure when opened. Customers and checkers alike love these packs since they remain open and upstanding when stacking.
Advantageous: Folds up level for simple stockpiling with foldable fortified base for additional strength. Unbending base keeps the sacks level and strong in your trunk so nothing will slide around in your vehicle. Remains open and upstanding for simple stacking.
MULTI-USE: Ideal for food supplies, general shopping, setting off to the shoreline, picnics, drifting, show occasions, clothing, stockpiling and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Simple TO CARRY: Our container packs have short side handles notwithstanding the shoulder lashes making it simpler to convey an overwhelming burden.
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